The Happiness Quotient (HQ)
The Happiness Quotient (HQ) Test is a test constructed to gauge overall Happiness and compared to other people as a specific HQ score. The Average HQ is 100. This makes it easy to compare your HQ to others, but most importantly work on improving your HQ.
There are numerous variables making up the test including: Relationship, Personal needs fulfillment, perceived levels of stress/relaxation, etc. The HQ is positively based in order to help the client understand where they are and understand how they can reach their True Potential. The HQ has been normed across four regions in the United States with all levels of socio-economic populations, sex, and race. HQ is stable across all indices.
The HQ is available to take by the public. Scoring and interpretation of the HQ will occur in your first Consultation with your private consultant at the Lifestyle Change Institute. Contact us on the contact form or via email at info@lifechangingtoday.com. We will set up a meeting to discuss the HQ and set up a plan of action for change in your life.